WHAT A RELIEF! Everything can appear to be
Can appear to be happening (or not)
Totality appearing as « good/right» Like joy, health, wealth, peace, happiness, lovely stories, loving relationships, beauty, art, water (not too much), sun (not too hot), sounds (not too loud), sunny day, etc.
Infinity appearing as « bad/wrong » Like disorder, neurosis, mental illness, body cancer or other illness, as being deaf, as rejection, misunderstanding causing bullying sending to hell a seeming character, as disappointment or severe depression, as a dream, opinions or positions, as madness, war, as water overflow, sun burn, snow storm, etc.
WHAT A WOW « RELIEF » is LIFE recognizing itself blindly as NEVER HAPPENING
Total Innocence
No one there to experience
No one there to harm or to be harmed
No life and death
No doing possible at all ever
No choosing nor deciding
No will or free will
No beginning nor end, so
No direction, no goal
Nowhere to land or stand on
No time no space no distance
No possible memory
WHAT AN INCREDIBLE « RELIEF » is Simplicity Life’s unconditional embrace Crying, laughing, jumping, sitting, walking, drinking, loving, reading, writing, looking …. or battling, denying, defending, defying or searching or whatever is …..
Without any meaning or significance or EVEN HAPPENING
Not grasping Not belonging
Not owning
Not understanding or figuring out
Not being
WHAT A WONDERFUL « RELIEF » is The « Unknown » The « No separation » The « Not needing to change anything » Just simply appearing as knowledge or knowing Having no agenda at all No weight to anything JUST SIMPLY « What is » as it is - Ever flowing - Effortlessly Being like a seeming innocent child playing WHAT A RELIEF ! From the impression of being a « me » having a center and a life ever trying to control what is just seemingly happening - Not even happening.

WHAT A RELIEF! From that « imagined » burden in life’s dream.