Everything is always changing.
These words being uttered.
the gentle play of light
the distant hum of sounds
and the flickering images that look steady
as it comes and goes.
The highs and lows of emotions.
The roller coaster of feelings
everything seems to materialize
out of nowhere
Only to vanish into the mysterious void
This void
Life appears as an ending sequence of
fleeting moments.
A continual flow of things slipping away
Yet when when visited these moments
represent themselves anew.
and unfamiliar
Everything is constantly moving.
But there's an inherent stillness.
in everything
The illusory self.
posseses a unique capacity for intricate
And an understanding of the passage of the
illusory time.
This ability
leads the character to perceive themselves
as in control. (laughs)
Navigating the currents of time.
Trying to control the illusory
by the illusion
This separation fosters the illusion that one
can grasp and hold unto aspects of this
seeming life such as love
apparent glimpses of the infinite
However, the stark obviousness is that
everything remains elusive
And ever-changing it overlooks.
what has never moved
the obvious
The unchanging
What is-ness
That cannot be known in the moment of
or the movement
the individuals desire is to anchor and
What is seemingly cherished
family bonds
romantic relationships.
the security of home
power, respect
and the allure of ealth
may be fame.
the name
yet the unavoidable
is-ness persists
everything undergoes constant
Seemingly life unfolds as a grand cycle a
manifestation of the essence of
The character's experience becomes a
poignant drama.
Mark the inability to secure a fixed
the complexity of thought introduces peaks
and valleys into their Journey.
just as one feels that they have
unraveled the mysteries of
this drama
called existence, called life.
It's a play.
Unattained contentment
everything they hold dear simply slips away.
This perpetual ebb and flow.
defined the nature of what is
And it overlooks what is also unmoving.
the dynamic stillness
The infallible knowable is-ness.
That is always present despite everything
slipping away.