In this fresh directness, exploring what already is - free from the dualistic traps of non-duality, devoid of conceptual frameworks, dogma or jargon, untainted by linguistic structures, and free from second hand knowledge or inherited wisdom or copycat speaking. In between concepts, in the infinite gap there is a wild directness where "you" and "I" meet in the middle and dissolve into what can not be said, what can never be known, free from the loop of seeking, where there is no authority, and devoid of a contradictory message. Freedom free from all ideas freedom.
The mind, with all its ceaseless chatter and noise, falls silent before this direct encounter. No judgments, no comparisons, no striving for comprehension remain. Only a deep, unshakable peace permeates each moment—a peace that surpasses all understanding, a stillness that is at once profound and comforting.
End of Seeking is simple and direct.
Reach out at hello@emersonnonduality.com
Disclaimer: The ideas expressed in Emerson's meetings, events, videos, and content are for entertainment and general information purposes only. Emerson is not a counselor, therapist, teacher, doctor, or any kind of authority. It is apparent therefore that any participant's response or reaction to these communications is entirely and only a product of their own interpretation and their own responsibility. Ideas expressed by Emerson should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice or professional help. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
Please note that Emerson's online meetings will be recorded and that your audio question may be included in the video record of the meeting. This may be uploaded to YouTube and other social media platforms including Emerson's website www.emersonnonduality.com By asking a question you are giving your consent to be included in the video record of the meeting. If you are concerned about your privacy but would like to participate you can keep your video off when you speak or ask a question via chat.